Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tanjong Rhu & Other Shorts - Film Synopses


As an educational film screening, this event is open only to NUS students, with priority given to USP students and PGP residents. Please arrive early to ensure a seat, and bring along your matric card for identification! (We regret to say that non-card holders may be turned away).

(Please note that the films are also rated R21)

Just thought I would include a brief synopses for the films we're showing this Friday!

Tanjong Rhu (2008):
A former military officer seeks closure by making a documentary film about a man he had furtively encountered in Tanjong Rhu many years ago. Tanjong Rhu is a secluded beach on the east coast of Singapore, and a popular cruising ground for gay men. In an entrapment exercise in 1993, 12 men were arrested there and sentenced to imprisonment and caning. This is a fictionalised account of what has happened since then to one of these men.

Threshold (2009):
In a dingy motel room, a sexual threesome has been arranged to take place. Except that the two men lying in wait are officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau, ready to apprehend their suspect, who is going to show up with crystal meth at any moment. Inspector Anton is preoccupied and tense, and increasingly restless. As the wait for the suspect lengthens, it is apparent Anton has something infinitely more personal at stake. In what appears to be a routine crackdown operation, which walls will come tumbling down, and what thresholds will be crossed? In the film’s tropical swelter, how does one ascertain that everything one sees is not a mirage from a fragmenting mind?

Autopsy (2007):
A highly personal documentary project, Autopsy revolves around a conversation between film-maker Loo Zihan and his mother. The film focuses on the latter’s point of view, exploring how she has coped with her son’s homosexuality.

Katong Fugue (2007):
A short film based on a scene in Alfian Sa'at's play Landmarks: Asian Boys Vol. 2, which depicts the fragile relationship between a mother and her gay, closeted son. The film combines image and voiceover to great effect to reveal their uncommunicative relationship.

And as a "sneak preview" of sorts, here's the trailer of Tanjong Rhu :)

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